
Confabulation | Unsinkable | Sandy El Bitar

Sandy El Bitar  holds degrees in theater, recreation and leisure studies, psychology, and drama therapy. Her professional journey with humor began in 2008 as a clown doctor in healthcare settings in Lebanon and later in Canada, where she witnessed the positive impact of humor on resilience. Sandy integrates humor into her therapeutic practice, using expressive arts therapies and trauma-informed approaches to regulate emotions, build connections, nurture creativity, and foster resilience. She is the co-founder of Abjad Howse, a collective of Arab artists engaged in cultural and artistic events. Through Abjad Howse, Sandy ventured into Arabic stand-up comedy, later making her English stand-up debut in 2022. Sandy produces "Not for Laughs," a unique show that blends comedy, art, and interactive experiences to explore serious topics, challenge norms, and promote social impact. Her productions are rooted in creativity, playfulness, and humor, with the aim of fostering resilience, connection and transformation in diverse communities.


Confabulation | Unsinkable | Dominique Blain


Confabulation | Unsinkable | Caitlin Murphy