Unsinkable Publications
Braving the Waves featured a series of storytelling-focused conversations with youth and adults in our communities. Mikaela spoke with some of today’s most empowering young storytellers, writers, musicians, comedians, activists and more about their mental health journey in a deeper, refreshing way. Guests included: Noah Tile, Lauren Urie, Stephen Sharpe Jr., Angelica Galluzzo, Hailey Hechtman, Rohit Doel, Jan Stewart, Ryan Forsyth, Pamela Fitzgerald, Kelli Chu, Arielle Bradberry, and Stephanie Celso.
Season 2 added a new layer to storytelling. To complement the programs at Unsinkable & Resolvve's work supporting students, this format offers another way to Brave the Waves: crafting words for moments that feel like they don't have any, especially for those who don't feel comfortable writing, speaking, or publicly sharing. Each week, Mikaela gathers anonymous voice notes, memories, journal entries, photos, drawings, and anything that captures a specific, meaningful moment, through a memory box form. She then creates a poem and episode to offer a comforting way to pause in a moment, preserve a memory, and feel seen/heard in it as it's given words and read aloud.
Lamplight Magazine
A bi-annual mental health magazine for mental health care providers!
Special Edition Newsletter
Words can just be words—in any way that supports us or our people. And this is often the hardest part when we glance across the vast landscape of our lives and experiences.
What if there was a space to learn about this process—finding words, rooted in our stories and experiences, with no expectation of a finished story, poem, memoir, etc.?
Click here to learn more or subscribe below!