Autistic are not abnormal they are special

Unsinkable Storytelling Author: Basudha Mitra

Hey guys, it's Basudha Mitra, a 16-years-old Indian girl. Autistic, a word which makes us think of a person who is developmentally disabled and is unable to work,  like a normal person can do, Right? Wasn't your thinking the same while reading the heading of the article? But do you know? A disease named; mild cerebellum palsy is a disease that is held under the autistic diseases. Yes, you are guessing right, I was the girl badly affected by this disease. I was born on 6 September 2004 and it has become a complete or more than complete 16 years. These 16years weren't as easy as a normal child.

I had to suffer a lot with the society of India which also included my relatives. Among my family members, my mom was the only person who always stood beside me as a shield in each and every situation. This can be understood well that a relationship between a mom and her child starts from the very first 9 months when a child is in the mother's womb, so the love of a mother is always unconditional for her child. If the child is autistic or normal, no matter a girl or a boy. The same love was shown to me by my mom but not by society. I used to feel that what the people would show was not the same way that they would feel.

So, let me share a short story on how I used to feel. I was born on 6th September 2004 at a tea garden of Thanjhora T.E an interior area where there was no communication and I, a girl hopelessly diseased, made staying there not easy. As you all know Cerebellum is in the part of the brain which helps to balance the body which helps with walking. Getting that part affected at birth can well, make my conditions like a drunken man with no balance.

Usually, a child starts to walk at the age of 1year or less, but I was a child who started walking at the age of 2. Till that time my parents were not tensed but as time passed, they noticed that I was not able to write. I was then admitted to a well-renowned school in our city which was 26 kilometres away from my house. Again, a big obstacle in my life 26kms was not easy to continue with. Then a teacher at my school after fifteen days called my parents and told them about my conditions of not being able to write. But till that time my parents were aware of my illness. I understood everything that my teacher or mom would explain but I was not able to explain what I understood.

Then suddenly I felt sick and was suffering from a high fever. This was a sort of miracle in my life or something like that, I guess.  If that fever would have not happened, then my illness would not come in front of my parents. Because of that fever my parents took me to an experienced doctor who on first glance upon me told my parents about the disease from which I was suffering. Upon hearing it my mom's eyes filled with tears. The doctor recommended my parents not to do any medical tests out there in the northeast of India and asked my parents to take me to the South of India at Tamil Nadu at the medical college, CMC. My parents followed that and took me out there and my treatment started for Cerebellum palsy and continued for 4years, but it was not the end. Last time a senior doctor told me to learn dance, art and swimming to overcome my problem of balance. That time I was 10years old on return to our house my parents admitted to me that a dance class, as well as art class, was told by the doctor. With dance, I fell a lot of times and got hurt and again stood up on my feet to continue with the steps of dance.

Then on going to school, my mom told my class teacher what the doctor had said and asked her that I be able to continue my studies in such a thought board like ICSE. My teacher replied that I would not be able to complete my 10th class from this board, but I will be able to continue my studies max till class V(5). But now I'm happy to say that I'm going to give my class 10 board exam.I want to share with you all another thing. When I reached class VI(6) certain people always supported me in every case but there were some of my friends who were my enemies and would always tease me and make me down every where. There was a guy who would always say to me that I use to drink (alcohol) and go to school on hearing his words I used to literally feel bad. Not only this, but people also around me started calling me mad, these were the things which I had to face being an autistic child.

But now I really feel good to say that I was a girl who was not able to stand properly or walk properly. But now I am a dancer a YouTube who makes amazing dance videos, and also social media user who makes creative videos, but such an improvement wasn't possible if my parents and some of my friends and teachers would not have supported me and encouraged me.

My parents were an angel in disguise to my life, if they were not in my life then now, I would be somewhere in an orphanage in an autistic manner. I'm just thankful to my parents to support me and take me to such an extent where I am going to complete my matrix(class 10) from the same school where teachers use to say I will not be able to pass class 5. And even where people use to not see me as a normal child.

At last, it's my humble request to all the parents and children whoever is reading it. To not just judge a child's future by his or her physical appearance, a child can be a miracle to somebody's life or to the world. Have patience and help the child to improve in his or her life. An autistic person is not only abnormal but special. Do you know Albert Einstein was also an autistic person, but he is also the greatest theoretical physician. So, it can be understood that nothing is impossible in life if you try it wholeheartedly, so don't let an autistic child's life be just a waste. The life of an autistic child is really tough but not impossible to go with it so remove all the bad thinking's that an autistic child can't do anything in life and just go and start encouraging them.

Thank you

- Basudha Mitra




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